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Edmund the Base

I’ve filmed another short soliloquy in an attempt to redeem my crappy Othello audition to myself.

In this speech from King Lear, the bastard Edmund questions why he is viewed by society as lesser than his legitimate brother (Edgar) merely because of the circumstances of his birth. Poor guy! But never fear… the villainous Edmund has a scheme up his sleeve that will enable him to rise above his brother and prove his cunning and worth.

Mostly, I hope you enjoy Edward the cat looking at me like I’m f*cking insane!

Edmund Title Page



12 thoughts on “Edmund the Base Leave a comment

    • At least I have the ability to stir the emotions of my cats! You’d think he’d be resigned to the fact that I’m clearly disturbed by now… poor sleeping poppet. Thank you for watching!! 🙂


  1. I’ve figured it out! Edward isn’t looking at you like you’re crazy, he thinks his name is Who. Seriously, he TOTALLY perked up when you said “Who” emphatically. And since he only perked up at that point, you may want to get his hearing checked. Also, your video is followed right up on my YouTube with Ian McKellan doing Shakespeare, so you are rubbing elbows (virtually) with some big names. Love the sollill…soloquill…squallliy…the monologue thingie!

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  2. Edward clearly could care less that you have morphed into Edmund the Base… long as you keep rubbing his tummy…….and feeding him so he can continue as Edward the Fat!

    Great soliloquy btw!

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  3. Another great performance, Weekes! I enjoyed Edward’s smiling eyes at the beginning, followed by his look of earnest concern, then the placatory curl-up. 🙂 You perfectly delivered on Edmund’s conniving and measured contempt. The characters in your soliloquies are always the most psychologically complex and interesting! Bravo, and thanks to you and Edward for sharing the drama magic!

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    • Yes, there is a lovely arc to Edward’s performance, isn’t there? And thank you! I find it a bit more fun to play the base rather than the good and legitimate 🙂 Thank you for joining me in the theatrics!

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